(plated) Skin Science

Several Plated Skin Science products arranged artistically, with the Plated logo superimposed.
Powered by their exclusive Renewosome™ technology, (plated) Skin Science is a new skin care brand founded by world-renowned physician-scientists. After over 15 years of research to uncover the renewing power of platelets, they developed an exosome brand that is completely shelf stable. Each full-size bottle of ( plated )™ is packed with over 1 trillion exosomes and is clinically proven to reduce the signs of aging and enhance the skin's overall appearance and texture.
(plated) Skin Science INTENSE Serum

Plated Skin Science


(plated) Skin Science DAILY Serum

Plated Skin Science


(plated) Skin Science HAIR Serum

Plated Skin Science
